2012-03-20 19:23:29
Na to, že jediná cesta sem vede pravděpodobně přes google a další vyhledávače + facebook skupina a pár zapadlých vzkazů někde na fórech trance.cz atd. Tak je to podle mě OK - bohužel je to projekt, který by docela prosperoval z toho, že se o něm ví, ale zároveň by mu hrozil rychlý konec :-(
2012-04-01 21:14:05
Thank you very much to this site and those files. I love Dance Extravaganza! I used to listen it every week, and record to magnetic tapes, when I was a kid.Such a great tunes!
Piotr, Poland
2012-04-01 21:16:22
wow, nice to hear, that this show had abroad fans :)) Do you still have those tapes? It'd be great to get some "new" recordings from old times, which we don't have
2012-04-02 00:42:46
Unfortunately, I don't have these tapes. Don't even have a tape recorder;)
2012-04-02 01:48:16
So sad to hear that, recordings on tapes are the most valuable recordings here ;-)
2012-04-05 17:55:42
Ahoj, hledám set z 22.11.2002 pořízený z KC Karlov s vystoupením Dj Seb Fointaine vysílané na Evropě 2 v Dance Extravazanze. Je to hodně stará záležitost, ale srdcovka, měl jsem na kazetě tenkrát, bohužel jí ale nemohu najít. Nemáte někdo v mp3?
2012-04-06 02:39:47
Found broken track in http://dance-extravaganza.cz/zaznam/detail-zaznamu/112
2012-04-06 03:30:03
Nice, that brings so many memories, young generation will never know what went wrong :-D BTW. the broken track is Evolution featuring Jayn Hanna - Walking On Fire. Sadly there are some much more corrupted records - somebody was digitalizing tapes and then merging them together, but in a wrong order, so every 20mins or so you're jumping to a different part of set :-))